Thursday, July 7, 2011

Less than 9 weeks to go...

It's been an uneventful week for me with the usual pre-baby things to get done like a hair cut and a trip to the Dentist. I was actually told by my dentist to NOT brush my teeth as often - irritatingly, I love brushing my teeth. On the other hand the past week has been an extremely busy one for Duncan. We've resorted to catching up over a coffee and pastry in the morning just so we can have time together. Sadly I've had to go so far as to stipulate that with coffee I expect conversation to take place at the same time and for Duncan not to be multitasking during this time and take conference calls on his Blackberry while we are out!

I've been finding this pregnancy harder than the previous, the difference has to do with the fact that I no longer have a sedentary desk job and have been far more active daily. Spending 1-2 hours on my feet going about my morning routine negates the need to hit the gym 5 days a week like the last time!  Bearing in mind this time round I also have a 14+ kg toddler to assist me with my weight bearing training. The Singapore heat and humidity doesnt bother me much as I dont generally step outdoors unless it's absolutely necessary. Baby belly also feels much larger now than it did 3 weeks ago at my last OB visit. We shall see how much of the additional girth is me and how much of it can be attributed to our Baby Girl.  I'm still working on my preparation for my drug free, calm and comfortable natural birth both at home and at classes, all is going well if the desired effect of listening to the relaxation CD is falling asleep. I've checked with my doula Ginny and she tells me it very normal. I've listened to the CD about 10 times, by the 2nd track, I'm asleep. I've yet to listen to the whole thing in it's entirety. Duncan jokingly said to me that at the rate I'm going I may sleep through the birth ... somehow I doubt that. Looks like we will have not one but 2 doulas present at the birth, in addition to Ginny, a trainee doula will be there to observe. This is of course in addition to a secondary doula, Catherine, on standby (24 hours a day, 3 weeks prior to by estimated due date). I didn't say no to an extra pair of hands as I think it will come in handy toddler handling during birthing.

Matthew's been doing really well. I think he might have clued on that there's a baby on the way. We can also close the chapter on big bed transition. He loves his new bed and the new furniture, and stickers and art on the walls in his room and it's been a breeze for him to fall asleep on his own. The hard part is keeping his bed covers on overnight as he moves around so much when he sleeps! (he still enjoys a bit of a chat and a lullaby with me before bedtime, but that's OK as I love our time together before bed).

Matthew's Auntie Kim (my sister) is arriving this Sat and will be staying with us for a few days. We are very excited to have her come and visit. There'll be 3 people to share Durian with! She'll also be logging many babysitting hours while she is here ... I think I've briefly mentioned that to her ;)

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