Friday, March 26, 2010

Matthew 10 Months Old!

Aweee... isnt he cute! Matthew will be 10 months old tomorrow evening. He's chatting up a storm of late, saying lots of 'mama', 'baba', 'gaga' and since Friday 'Dada!!' He's been saying dadadada all day today and Duncan is absolutely delighted with his little boy. Matthew's also lost a lot of the 'baby-ness' from his face and is looking lots more like a toddler. His passport came through earlier this week and he already looks so different to the picture in it!

So the protein, carb and healthy fat diet is going OK. Matthew does enjoy his meat - ravioli, sausages, roast chicken, meatballs but not so keen on avocado, hummus or olives. He's basically eating what we'll have for dinner mashed or cut into smaller pieces. If all else fails, there is always a cream cheese sandwich to fall back on. Matthew will pretty much eat this for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner if he had the choice. 

We are also eagerly awaiting the arrival of little Miss Blackwell :)... only 11 weeks to go!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Matthew, playing with the bobcat that's parked in our backyard this morning. He'd been very curious as to what the big machine was when it arrived and was intently watching it move from  the kitchen.

Update also on his visit to the Early Childhood centre this morning, head circumference has indeed grown by a centimeter which is great news. Another check in 4 weeks time again and if it's still growing then we wont need to worry about another check until Matthew has his 12 mth checkup (which is not far away!) He's also lost a small amount of weight, nurse said not to worry and might have been attributed also to his recent illness, but we should considering offering more protein and good fats. So Duncan, Matthew and I are all on a high protein, high carb and good fat diet. I thought we were already doing this but I guess more is required (?)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Matthew 43 weeks

Hi All,

Matthew is now very much the cheeky monkey and active.. here are some pics to prove my point.
Matthew climbing the metal screen door to the front of the house!! AND while uploading some pics on the computer today, I turned around and found that he'd climbed in to the laundry basket and was trying to scale the chest of drawers.  You can see from the pic that his two front teeth are nice a big (just like mum's) We also think that's he's got another 4 teeth coming. Two on either side of the front teeth and two on the bottom ones. The top two are about to erupt. We've had night wakings again in the last 3 night due to teething pains. Seeing as we've been getting so used to Matthew sleeping through from 7pm - 630am, the sleep deprivation has been hard on both Duncan and I. I can see why it's such an effective form of torture! We also think the little guy is experiencing some growing pains as well. Matthew has lengthened, growing another 3-4 cms to 77cm since the 19th of Feb (when I last visited the early childhood centre) We also think that his head circumference has also increased by a cm, I've been keeping an eye on this since being told that Matthew's fontanelle appears to have closed early. I've have it checked by his nurse on Monday to be sure.

Oh, and one last thing... lots of 'ba ba ba' and 'ma ma ma's in the last week, much to my delight :) He's been saying 'ma ma ma' for some weeks now, but 'ba ba ba' is new. Sadly for Duncan, no 'Da da da's yet.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Matthew 42 weeks

Matthew had such a good time stalking some other kid's balloon at the plaza the other day I thought he might enjoy having a few of his own to play with... We made tunnels down the hallway and had Matthew in fits of giggles as he played with all his balloons! He simply loves chewing on them and making them pop!

Cheeky boy was also snapped opening and slamming the kitchen cabinets this morning. Matty DOES understand the word 'NO'... however, he's also realised that 'NO' has absolutely no consequence so he's taken to turning and smiling at me every time I say the word :(

I'm off to get Matthew's passport sorted out today too. FINALLY!
It's been incredibly difficult to take a photo of the little guy looking directly at the camera, shoulders square, with a neutral expression and background and with out any shadows. Matthew will have a 'frequent traveller' passport issued sometime around Easter.

Monday, March 15, 2010



Little Matthew has a cousin!
We are very pleased for Ben and Kat who've just had a beautiful baby boy
Ethan Sebastian Bradey.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Matthew 9 mths

The cheeky monkey is back with a vengeance and more mischievous than EVER! He's bounced back from his illness and we've been getting loads of sleep. He's appetite has also doubled all of a sudden and I've finally gotten around to weighing him again. He's JUST shy of 9.5kg but has grown very very long. I'll be back at the Early Childhood centre next Monday to have his head circumference measured again as his fontanelle appears to have closed a little early.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Matthew 39 - 40 weeks

Poor little Matthew has been sick with a fever and has not been his usual happy smiley self. You can just tell that he's unhappy. He's been difficult to settle for his day and night time sleeps which is not normal for him at all. We've had 3 nights straight of unsettled sleep, with a very upset and crying little boy and on the last night when his temperature spiked at 38.7 degrees, we decided that a trip to the hospital was in order. Fortunately the emergency department at the hospital was completely empty at 4am and we were attended to pretty much right away. The doctors ruled out the possibility of a urinary tract infection with a simple test. Matthew happily played in his hospital bed wooing the pretty doctor and nurses while his Mum and Dad were busily trying to catch his wee in a specimen jar! We were eventually sent home at 8am when his temperature went back down again.

Thankfully, kind grandparents were able to lend a hand and watch over Matthew while his tired old Mum finally got some rest.

2 days later ...

a rash broke out ALL over Matthew back chest and tummy and it was another scary trip back to see the doctors. Fortunately this time we were told that Matthew had a 'good rash' and his mystery illness was identified to be 'Roseola Infantum'. I'm very pleased to say that little Matthew is all better now.

Some info on Roseola Infantum for those who are interested: CLICK HERE