Aweee... isnt he cute! Matthew will be 10 months old tomorrow evening. He's chatting up a storm of late, saying lots of 'mama', 'baba', 'gaga' and since Friday 'Dada!!' He's been saying dadadada all day today and Duncan is absolutely delighted with his little boy. Matthew's also lost a lot of the 'baby-ness' from his face and is looking lots more like a toddler. His passport came through earlier this week and he already looks so different to the picture in it!
So the protein, carb and healthy fat diet is going OK. Matthew does enjoy his meat - ravioli, sausages, roast chicken, meatballs but not so keen on avocado, hummus or olives. He's basically eating what we'll have for dinner mashed or cut into smaller pieces. If all else fails, there is always a cream cheese sandwich to fall back on. Matthew will pretty much eat this for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner if he had the choice.
We are also eagerly awaiting the arrival of little Miss Blackwell :)... only 11 weeks to go!

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