Hi All,
Matthew is now very much the cheeky monkey and active.. here are some pics to prove my point.

Matthew climbing the metal screen door to the front of the house!! AND while uploading some pics on the computer today, I turned around and found that he'd climbed in to the laundry basket and was trying to scale the chest of drawers. You can see from the pic that his two front teeth are nice a big (just like mum's) We also think that's he's got another 4 teeth coming. Two on either side of the front teeth and two on the bottom ones. The top two are about to erupt. We've had night wakings again in the last 3 night due to teething pains. Seeing as we've been getting so used to Matthew sleeping through from 7pm - 630am, the sleep deprivation has been hard on both Duncan and I. I can see why it's such an effective form of torture! We also think the little guy is experiencing some growing pains as well. Matthew has lengthened, growing another 3-4 cms to 77cm since the 19th of Feb (when I last visited the early childhood centre) We also think that his head circumference has also increased by a cm, I've been keeping an eye on this since being told that Matthew's fontanelle appears to have closed early. I've have it checked by his nurse on Monday to be sure.
Oh, and one last thing... lots of 'ba ba ba' and 'ma ma ma's in the last week, much to my delight :) He's been saying 'ma ma ma' for some weeks now, but 'ba ba ba' is new. Sadly for Duncan, no 'Da da da's yet.
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