We've had such a great week this week. My sister Kim passed through Singapore (en route between London and Paris) for the 2nd time this month and it's just been really good to catch up and for Matthew to spend time with his Tai Yee Mah (translates roughly to 'Eldest Auntie' in Cantonese). We took a trip to the Night Safari, a first for Matthew and the next day he had the morning off school so we could head back to the Singapore Art Museum again to see the Art Garden exhibit which he loved just as much the second time around. The next time I see Kim will be in October when we return home to Sydney with Baby M.
Matthew has fully recovered from NOT having HFMD. I took him to his paediatrician for his 2 year health and developmental check and the doctor was also unconvinced that Matthew had HFMD. His paed. didnt have any concerns about Matthew's health. However we couldn't do any of the developmental checks as Matthew amusingly refused to answer any of the doctors questions. Amusing for me as normally, Matthew does not stop talking, he's either parroting what I say or babbling away in a mixture of English words, Mandarin words and toddler talk. He flat out refused to answer when shown a picture of a car and was asked to name the object, likewise when shown a picture of some cats. At the end I had to step in and tell his doctor that I had no concerns about his speech and cognitive skills and confirm that Matthew does indeed speak!
In fact Matthew has been singing a whole lot more these days, with lots of songs in his repertoire, some of my favourite being 'Sing and Hum, Bumble Bee' (available on YouTube), 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star', 'Oh Mr Sun' and 'I Love You' (from Barney). As I'm blogging this, I can hear Matthew singing 'The Wheels on the Bus' with Duncan in the bath! Counting to ten and his reciting the alphabet is a bit hit and miss, he recognises some letters and most numbers but will still sometimes get them wrong. He's excellent with colours and shapes and is definitely not colour blind like his maternal grandfather.
Pregnancy is going well, I feel huge even though the scales and the estimated size of the baby says otherwise. I'm still tracking a good couple of kilos less than I was with Matthew's pregnancy and Baby M is predicted to be an average sized baby. Everyone tells me should be pleased about this as birthing should be a breeze this time round... wouldn't that would be nice!
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