Monday, May 30, 2011

The Unusual Palate & Conversations of a 2 year old.

Matthew really has the most unusual palate for food for a 2 year old. Here are some of the types of food he LOVES.

pickled ginger,
Ikura salmon roe (we just call them eggs)
Roquefort cheese, from France no less.
Olives, any kind either green or black, marinated or spiced it doesn't really matter.
Balsamic vinegar
Serrano Ham
Coffee/Tea (he has the froth on top of Duncan's latte as the tiniest bit of caffeine sends him crazy)

I can't think of a single food that Matthew won't eat, even a bit of spice in a curry doesn't bother him which is great as it means we can dine pretty much anywhere.
Post Birthday lunch just the 3 of us, complete with Matthew's favourite Japanese foods.
I know I've mentioned in the past that Matthew vocabulary is expanding rapidly, and in fact we'd been warned that this is expected around the 2 year mark. But it's still very surprising and shocking to us that Matthew has suddenly gone from speaking 2 word sentences, babbling incoherently the rest of the time and singing random words to tunes he knows to conversing with us in 3-4 word sentences and sometimes more virtually overnight. Honestly, Duncan and I would tell you that it happened sometime overnight on Saturday right after his birthday.

Matthew said on Sunday morning;
'Mummy open the fridge'
'May I please have Jellybeans Mummy?
For a longest time, Matthew has been referring to himself as 'Moo Moo' which is my nickname for him and I'd thought that he had difficulty saying his name and words beginning with the letter 'M' but a few weeks ago managed to say 'Marshmellow' very clearly. On Saturday evening, on our way out to dinner, Matthew was not only say his name properly, but was singing 'Happy Birthday to Matthew' over and over again. When the parenting books say that kids can change overnight, they really mean it!

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