Monday, March 7, 2011

The sad new and the good news.

Firstly some sad news.

Our beloved labrador Socrates passed away on Saturday. After a long and happy nearly 14 years with our family he sadly had to be put down as his body was failing him. Socrates was a beautiful loving member of the family, loved equally in return by all of us. Rest in peace old friend, we miss you. Sweet Matthew has been hoovering quietly over me with a tissue on hand to dab away my tears. I've not told Matthew that his 'whoa whoa' is gone...

The good news.

We (I am) are pregnant. Currently in our 15th week of pregnancy and safely in the 2nd trimester. All is progressing smoothly, with all the usual early pregnancy tests and scans returning with results that were literally off the charts, in a positive way. I'm also over my bout of mild morning sickness and have resumed my usual pre-natal routine of regular yoga and exercise. We are all very excited to be welcoming a baby sister or brother for Matthew. Matthew is non the wiser as to what all the fuss is about and looks at the black and white ultrasound pictures with curiosity. The newest Baby Bradey will make his/her grand entrance this Sept. The official due date is the 4th of Sept.

More generally, Matthew has well and truly settled into his new routine at school.  I can say with confidence that he really enjoys it there - he happily waves goodbye to us in the morning and never fails to greet me with a big smile and cuddle at home time. He enjoys the classes and activities, particularly music which is held every morning at 1030am and never fails to garner lovely comments from his music teacher. Matthew has also picked up a few Chinese/Mandarin words - 'Good bye' - Zai Jian, 'Apple' -  Ping Guo and 'Thank You' - xie xie. He's learning to be gentle with his friends as he has a tendency so play a little rough which gets him into trouble with his teacher. Matthew is no stranger to the 'quiet spot' both at school and at home.

Around the home Matthew is your typical (nearly) 2 year old toddler. 'No' seems to be favourite word of late, even when he really means 'yes'. As if for extra emphasis, Matthew likes to shakes his head when he says 'No'. I must admit it was very cute for about a day.

Each evening as bedtime draws near, Matthew will invariably try a few of the following three tricks in an attempt to avoid going to bed for as long as possible. He will plead for 'more books, please Mummy' and if I don't submit to his demands, then it's 'please Mummy, please Mummy, please Mummy'. And if that doesnt work, he'll ask for his Daddy. The second is 'Tissue' or 'Nose', which means that Matthew would like a tissue so that he can blow his nose, even though there is no reason for it. The last trick and the most frequently used, is 'Water', he'll ask repeatedly for us to fetch his water even though the bottle is right next to him in bed. All of his little antics provides us with much humor but also frustration. Fortunately though, once he's off asleep, he'll sleep soundly till a very respectable 730am the next morning or when we wake him.

Here is our Matthew, looking extremely cheeky posing for the camera.

bye for now.

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