Thursday, January 27, 2011

School & travel update

As we near the end of Matthew 3rd week of school, here's some of the comments we've received from his teachers. He's attention span is lengthening, Matthew will sit still at his desk for up to 10-15 mins (I've yet to actually see this with my own eyes!). He loves his food which is so true, he's also the only child that will feed himself using cutlery during mealtimes - probably because he's too impatient to wait to be fed. He appears to be showing signs that he may be a lefty, although from my observations at home he uses both left and right hand to draw, including toes and feet to move things around. During his first week at school, he was intrigued by his classmates water bottles and was helping himself to sips from each of them, which his teachers had to put a stop to. Since then Matthew has learned to match each water bottle to it's rightful owner and is his job to hand out the water during breaks. At 19 months old, Matthew is also the youngest child in his class of 7 children. All in all, Matthew seems to be fitting in nicely and enjoy going to school. Over the past 3 days, we've not had any crying when I've dropped him off and this morning he actually smiled when he saw his teacher instead of panicking :)

As mentioned in one of the previous posts, there's much movement over the next few months - Matthew's passport is filling up quickly!

February 8th to 14th  - Duncan will be in Sydney to attend a wedding.
March 12 to 20th - Matthew will be on school holidays and we will most likely spend the week in Zurich with Duncan as he will already be there on a business trip.
April 14th - Aunt Liz and Uncle David visiting from Perth.
May 4th to 20th - Nana & Pop (Chris & Geoff) visiting.
May 8th to 15th - Phuket with Nana & Pop.

The only travel to be confirmed is Poh Poh and Goong Goong's visit at the end of March/early April.

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