Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Book, Water, Shoe and more

We made it to Singapore and have already made ourselves quite a little nest in our temporary apartment. Matthew has a bit of a cough, probably from the change in climate and travelling but that hasnt stopped him from being his mischievous self. He's walking a lot more confidently these couple of days, wanting to spend most of the day on his feet actually. I'm looking forward to the day when I can actually embark on one of our little adventures without bringing either the carrier or the pram. We are still a way off I think :) Matthew's dad still thinks he walks like a little zombie.

He's also understanding and learning words rapidly. It took him a couple of weeks to grasp the first few words but since then every couple of days he'll pick up another word. So far, we have 'cheese stick', 'car', 'book', 'shoe', 'bowl', 'spoon', 'water' (his drink bottle), 'grapes', 'blueberries' (aka 'bluebies'), 'carrot', 'pear', 'oats/oatties', 'ball', 'Mama' and 'Dada' to name a few.. I'm also pretty sure he knows the word 'nose' but because I havent been able to teach him to point and he cant indicate to me that he understands what I'm referring to. He also understands 'turn the page' (when reading a book), 'brush brush brush' (brush your teeth), 'ta for mama/dada' (give it to Mum/Dad), 'bathtime/bath' and 'bedtime/lie down'. He's never too impressed when told to 'lie down'.

Our limited conversations consists of;
'where's Matthew's water/shoe/ball/book?' etc
Matthew responds by fetching or going to the item.
'Matthew want water?'
Matthew replies by putting both arms out for his water bottle
'Matthew lie down'
Often after I've put him in his bed, I'll check on him and find him standing and chatting to himself. On the odd occasion he'll oblige and go to sleep when I tell him to lie down without having to set foot in his nursery!

I've got a cute new video of Matthew's progress this week on YouTube. Till next time.

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