Thursday, April 7, 2011

Biting (again) and lots and lots of singing

Oh dear... In the last week Matthew has reverted to the very nasty habit of biting again. Both at school and at home. I thought we'd put a stop to this but not so. In the span of a few days, he's bitten 2 kids at school and attempted to bite other kids as well. As his teachers are aware now of his tendency to nip at other kids in frustration if he doesn't get his way, they've been extra vigilant during class. It's almost always due to frustration that Matthew will lash out, eg not wanting to share a toy, wanting a turn on the bike or slide etc. In one instance, he took two bites at a girl because she was in his way when he was trying to wash his hands at the sink. All very negative behavior which I hope he will grow out of quickly. It's one of the downsides of being a parent to an over active, short tempered, bossy and impatient toddler.
On the upside, he's also equally happy, affectionate and sweet and his moods will yo-yo between the two to drive me absolutely mental. We've definitely hit the terrible twos.

There's been so many new words in Matthews vocabulary lately and lots and lots of singing. He likes to sing 'Twinkle twinkle little star' in toddler babble (the tune is unmistakeable and I'm proud to say he's not tone deaf like his Dad!) and 'ABCD'. He'll recite 'A, B, C' and if we are lucky 'D' and 'E' as well but after that it's a jumble of letters mainly consisting of 'Bs' and 'Cs' for the remainder of the alphabet. We are also up to 4 word sentences and have heard him say 'more block toys please' without any prompting and 'more Buzz please Mummy'. As Matthew now understands lots of words and direction, we have to remind ourselves to watch what we say around him.

Edited to add: Duncan just reminded me that he also sings 'Row row row your boat' and another song that I like to sing to him called 'soft kitty'. For those of you who are fans of the TV show Big Bang Theory you might know it.

Poh Poh and Goong Goong have left Singapore to continue on their vacation to China but their visit left a lasting impression on Matthew. He greeted them both with a warm welcoming cuddle each and enjoyed having the added attention lavished on him. He loved especially to hovered over, sit next to, hug and crawl up on his Goong Goong frequently. He also enjoyed copying what Goong Goong was doing like taking out the batteries from the keyboard or what Goong Goong was eating for breakfast (and how he ate it). I enjoyed having my parents around as my Mum cooked, helped with housework and did all the laundry! It gave me lots of time to ponder over the issue of Matthew's biting :(  Pictures from their visit will be uploaded soon.