Sunday, May 30, 2010

First Birthday Photos on Picasa

For Matthew's Birthday party pictures:  CLICK HERE
Matthew had a wonderful time at his first birthday party.
 Matthew's birthday cake made by yours truly.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Matthew

The day is finally here and our little man is ONE!!!

This past year has been fantastic, Matthew is such a great kid - he's bright, funny, affectionate and just so easy going (most of the time) We consider ourselves extremely lucky to have Matthew in our lives.

Matthew's been taking little steps here and there for a few weeks now, venturing further and further away on foot each day. Today he walked across his room to give me a cuddle and I had one of those proud magical mummy moments that I'll never forget.

Here is a picture of our TODDLER (sniff sniff) taken this morning;

Monday, May 24, 2010

Matthew 52 weeks

Our little man will be turning ONE this Friday!! Loads of pictures on Picasa to follow. I've already posted quite a few pics from the first of his 2 birthday parties we've organised to celebrate the special occasion...

Matthew 51 weeks

It's been a busy couple of weeks and I havent had the time to post. The flight back from Singapore was excellent. We even had comments from fellow passenger on how well Matthew travelled. On arrival at Sydney Airport is a different matter however... it's got to be the S..L..O..W..E..S..T airport to get through customs and quarantine! Fortunately for us, we were picked out of the queue and fast tracked because of Matthew. Little perks of traveling with little people!

Here is a picture taken at our Mother's Group baby's first birthday get together... all of our bubs are so grown up now :( (Matthew is in the stripy green top)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Aunty Kim!! (Tai Yee Mah)

Matthew's Aunty (my sis) came to stay with us in Singapore the weekend, much to our delight :) Matthew had a great time clambering over her and showing her his new skill of standing and working the blocks through his shape shorter. Kim also got to see Matthew's charms at work wooing complete strangers while we were out and about house hunting! Unfortunately, she also got to see his cranky monster side as Matthew had a sniffle and a mild temp on Sunday. We hope to head over to Malacca (Malaysia) before Kim returns to her home base in Melbourne (as soon as Matthew's mum feels confident enough to brave the bus ride over).

Where is Malacca? Click Here

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Matthew 50 weeks

Time has really flown and the little guy is BIG! He hasnt stopped eating since we got to Singapore and has been sporting this enormous tummy. He's getting chubby again and I love it! Yesterday Matthew and I walked to the MRT (Underground Train) station and caught the train to the city to have some lunch and do a little shopping. Matthew wasnt at all phased by the crowds or the train and took everything in his stride.

We went to the local kids gym this morning and Matthew had loads of fun. There were his old favourites like the parachute and the ball pit and well as some new ones which was pretty cool.We've signed up for the term and I'll start taking him to the gym a couple of times a week to spice up our routine. He's been going down for his naps really easily too as there's been so much activity during the day to tire him out. He's actually wanting to be put in his cot for a sleep!

I also had the opportunity to meet a couple of expat Mums at the kids gym, with both promptly inviting us over for a playdate! Matthew met Elissa who is Thai/Chinese and Roshan who is Indian/Belgian/Singaporean today.

sorry about the fuzzy pics, these were snapped in a hurry on the mobile while I was trying to keep an eye on things!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Singapore! Hot Hot Hot

5th May - We went to check out a pre-nursery school y'day, it's dawned on me how fast little Matthew is growing up as I watched the other little toddlers play. I'll most likely start sending him to half day classes starting Jan 2011 so that he can experience what's it's like to play regularly with other kids his age. He'll also be able to start learning some mandarin. 
Over the last few days a daily routine has started to emerge. In the mornings after breakfast, Matthew and I tend to stay in the apartment to play/read and once a week we'd head to kidsgym, before Matthew has a morning nap (1-1.5hrs). When he wakes, we'd have a little snack at home before heading out to explore/shop/play before resting to have some lunch at a cafe together. Being out of the apartment also allows the cleaner (Yes, I know how lucky I am!) to slip in and tidy in peace without Matthew following her around trying to 'help' :) Matthew would go down for his afternoon nap around 2pm. At 4pm when the sun is not so hot, we'd head down to the pool for about an hour before winding down for the day with a little quiet play (wait for Dada to come home from work) dinner, bath and then bed around 730pm. Here is a pic of Matthew...'look handsfree!!!'
Hope to get some pictures of Matthew in Singapore over the weekend. Matthew's Aunty Kim is coming to visit on Friday evening so I'll have a spare hand to take some snaps on the camera!

P.S. for those who have been wondering about Soc. He's recovering from his surgery, latest update is that he's eating a little and went for a very short walk today :)
3rd May - Life carries on for us in Singapore... our day started at 6 am this morning which is a small achievement as it means that Matthew is getting his body used to the new time zone. All 3 of us had breakfast together at the residents' lounge and saw Dada off to his first day at school work. Dada wasnt excited or nervous at all but Matthew was. After taking Dada's work clothes to the dry cleaners and doing a small shop, we went to explore our little nook of Singapore. Our exploration didnt last very long as little fella was fast asleep in his carrier by 9am, hence I have time to update the blog :)
I've enrolled Matthew for a trial class into a kidsgym nearby (JW Tumbler Kids Singapore) and we start this Thursday at 930am. Tomorrow I have an appointment to view a pre-nursery school for Matthew. The wait lists for nurseries are long (as it is in Sydney)!
ps. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CAROL & TIM TODAY, much love, J, D and Matthew.

1st May - Singapore was a hot 33 degrees when we arrived yesterday but little fella coped OK, although we were promptly whisked away in a cab at the airport to our apartment so we havent spent much time at all outside in the heat.
Our 2 bedroom apartment is lovely and quite spacious and located right in the middle of Singapore's night life. Fortunately we are high off the ground (Level 19) to not be disturbed by the nightly partying downstairs. Matthew's room has a couple of spare beds so we are hoping that a certain Aunty who is not too far away will come for a visit very soon :)
This morning I took Matthew to the pool for about half an hour while Dada recuperated after catching up with some friends. So far so good, Matthew enjoys the water so I knew it was one way to get him tired out so he'll have a nice long nap afterward. We (all 3 of us) are off to do some house hunting this afternoon for about 3.5 hours so it'll be a real test of Matthew's tolerance of the heat and stamina. I know how overwhelming it can be so Dada might have to duck home with him so he can have a rest if it get a bit too much.