Friday, April 30, 2010

Matthew 49 weeks

Matthew took his first flight today, here are some snaps...

All in all the journey was pretty uneventful. There was no drama and no hysterics from Matthew. He was his usual wriggly social self, wanting to climb from one bassinet to the other, investigating the lights on the  plane, smiling at other passengers, crawling and walking up and down the aisle (with Dada supervising). He also managed to go down for 2 short naps on the plane so Mum and Dad could have a bit of a rest. The staff on the plane were really attentive and helpful, getting our meals ready as soon as they saw Matthew napping. Matthew also got to spend quite some time hanging out with the pretty stewardesses from Singapore Airlines. He loved his chicken and pasta 'Toddler Meal' and loved having a taste of Dada's ice-cream even more. So much so, he got angry with Dada when it was taken away from him. Off to get Matthew settled in, update again soon.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

ANZAC Day 2010

We thought that it would be lovely to introduce Matthew to his Great Grand Pop - Sidney Arthur Bradey. On ANZAC day we took Matthew to do exactly that along with Grand Pop.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Matthew 48 weeks (11 Months)

My favourite photo of the week... Matthew and his brother Soc.
About a week after this photo was taken, Soc fell very sick with Laryngeal Paralysis. It's a condition where the nerves and the muscles that controls the larynx ceases to function making it very difficult for him to breathe and eat. Every bit of activity is incredibly exhausting for him as he struggles to get enough breath. On Friday (30th April) afternoon, dear old Soc underwent a 'tie back' surgery to permanently open his larynx and is currently in hospital. We are hoping for a very speedy recovery and that the old fella will be back to his former self soon.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Matthew took his first steps today

... Witnessed by a very proud Dad.

and yesterday rugby tackled, chased and bit poor Devlan (friend from mother's group), a short clip of the rumble has been posted on YouTube for your viewing pleasure.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Matthew 47 weeks

Fussy week as passed and Matthew is happily eating again. We went to see his Early Childhood Nurse this morning and his head has grown another 0.5cm which is what we were hoping and expecting. He also gained quite a lot of weight in the last month which I wasn't at all expecting considering he spent about a week eating very little.

This past few days, he's been giving really sweet cuddles and smiles for everyone - still as active as ever! He's started to really enjoy looking through his collection of books and will sit and play, touching and looking at the pictures by himself quietly. I'd have to check on him every few minutes to make sure he's OK as I'm very suspicious of what he might be up to when he's alone in his nursery. Of late, he'll crawl out of our sight, up the hallway and into his room to have some independent play time. He lets us know when he's had enough by calling out to us or crawling back out to look for 'mamama' or 'dadada'.

Not all that much happening this week as I've not enrolled Matthew into music classes again due to our move. Our days are spent hanging out with other mums and babies Matthew's age or occasionally older kids at the playground. Of course there are the visits to see the Grandparents too which Matthew enjoys.

Here is a photo of Matthew at play with Dad at Newington on Saturday.

Until next week.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Matthew 46 weeks

I'm going to call this Matthew's fussy food week...little fusspot will eat 2-3 mouthfuls of one type of food and then reject the rest. As result the fridge is full of half eaten tubs of yoghurt, fruit and anything else I might have offered him in the past few days... It's driving me nuts. What I'm trying not to do is make mealtimes a battle of wills. I'm hoping it's just another phase and it will pass with any luck.

His new top teeth have both come through nicely this week (all the better to bite Dad with!). He's also started standing unaided for longer periods but still falling not very gracefully onto his knees and on one occasion on his face when he lost his balance :(. True to form, kamikaze Matthew likes to practice standing on the bathroom vanity and on top of the slide at the park, apparently the higher off the ground he is the better. I'm off to see his Early Childhood nurse again on Monday as it's been 4 weeks since his fontanelle has been checked. 

Our plan to move to Singapore is coming along, we'll be there for a visit from April 30 - May 15. The intention is to celebrate Matthew's 1st birthday party back in Sydney and then officially move June 6th.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Matthew 45 weeks

In the past week, he's been perfecting the skill of putting his toys away, rolling a ball back and forth, throwing 'Cheerios'/sultanas/cheese cubes (the list goes on) from his high chair and watching Mum pick them up, waving at us, saying 'Car Car Car' and clicking his tongue.  If you click your tongue at him, he'll click his tongue back at you. Also, if you laugh, he'll imitate you by doing a fake laugh. He's super fast at crawling too, we often find ourselves chasing a nude Matthew down the hallway as he's trying to get away from us (it takes two of us) as we struggle to dress him after his bath.

As most of you reading this blog will already know, we are moving to Singapore very shortly. Our first trip to Singapore has been booked and we're wondering how on earth we're going to be able to keep Matthew occupied for 8 1/2 hours!? He doesn't sit still at the best of times. I'm almost certain in a few weeks I'll be blogging about Matthew terrorising some poor unsuspecting lady on the plane by pulling at her hair, biting her and flinging her glasses half way down the plane... Do I sound like I'm starting to panic??

Over the Easter weekend, Matthew tasted chocolate for the first time. He thought it was alright and still much prefers blueberries.