Saturday, July 11, 2009

Matthew 6 weeks

Hi All Matthew has been doing well. The renal ultrasound on Wed showed no probs with his kidneys and bladder. I have a followup consult with his Dr next week to discuss whether further tests are required. He gained another 300g this week making his total weight 5.5kg. We measure his lenght last night and estimate him to be about 59-60cm, which is about 8 cm growth since birth. I'm trialling a new routine to reduce the number of feeds I give him in a day from 9 to 7-8. Also making sure that we have at least 2 'playtime' sessions during the day which lasts around 1 to 1.5 hrs depending on how tired he gets. Playtime consists of chatting/singing, using the rattles and playmat, tummy time (he can now turn his head from side to side when on his tummy) and finally I read to him quietly to let him know it's time to wind down and have a nap. It's been difficult getting him to sleep in his cot during the day as he has gotten used to being rocked to sleep in the pram/ car. I'm going to a 'settling' class next week to get some advice. The evenings we bath Matthew to let him know that the routine for night time has started. I'm doing all this to encourage a long sleep of 4-5 hour stretch at night. So far it seems to be working. Last night we fed and bathed him by 730 and it then took another 45 mins or so to settle him and sleeping in his cot. He slept till 1.15am. It's the first time he has gone without feeding for that long. Hopefully we are heading in the right track.

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